Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Even Fresher than Fresh

February 4th - I woke up early and went for my first run of the trip. I decided that exercise would give me some sort of purpose in life since I have no job, no income and am living out of a backpack. I left around 7am before the temperature hit 90 degrees. It was nice and calming to run along the beach. Kate and I decided to explore the town since this was her first visit to BB. We did some shopping: bought some green stuff, a few sushi rolls, falafel, and chicken and zucchini for the barbie. 

It was the first relaxing day of our trip and we simply ate our way through town. We went to a restaurant called Fresh - I'd put it in the top 5 best places I've ever been to. We shared a few beers and chatted with the hostess who informed us to come back that night for dinner because her favorite live music group, The Blackbirds, were playing. We had a prime table reserved outside in front of the band and they played cover after cover and in such a unique fashion that it only made the experience that much more enjoyable. The mussels simply put, were fucking out of this world. Sorry Mom, Dad & family….I have a vulgar mouth sometimes. After dinner the two of us took a long walk under the moon down the beach, quite romantic, I must say. I don't know if the moon and the tides were the culprit, or if it was the snuggling on the beach, but Baskin Robbins 31 Flavors dragged us in for two large sundaes to enjoy on our walk home. Australia has never heard of Blue Moon ice cream though, so the whole 31 flavors is slightly skewed.

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